Recent News

November 24, 2023, Good News! Welcome Dr. Ömer Burak İSTANBULLU from Eskişehir Osmangazi University to give a speech at the conference!

November 7, 2023: Good news! The conference proceedings of CONF-FMCE 2023 have been published in Volume 23-26 of Applied and Computational Engineering (ACE)!

August 26, 2023: Good news! The Online Session of CONF-FMCE 2023 has been successfully convened!

August 24, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Sajjad Seifi Mofarah from UNSW Sydney to give a speech at the conference!

August 21, 2023: Good News! CONF-FMCE 2023 workshop "New Functional Materials for Energy Storage Applications - Metal Ion Batteries" has been successfully convened in Sydney, Australia!

August 14, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Bhupesh Kumar from University of St-Andrews to give a speech at the conference!

August 11, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Alan Wang from University of Auckland to give a speech at the conference!

August 6, 2023: Good News! CONF-FMCE 2023 workshop "Nanotechnology Applications in Advancing Cyber Security" has been successfully convened in Chicago, USA!

Past News

July 25, 2023: Good News! Welcome Prof. Seyed Ghaffar from Brunel University London to give a speech at the conference!

July 16, 2023: Good News! Welcome Prof. Marwan Omar from Illinois Institute of Technology!

July 14, 2023: Good News! Welcome Dr. Abdullahi Arabo from University of the West of England to give a speech at the conference!

July 12, 2023: Good News! Welcome Prof. Achintya Haldar from University of Arizona to give a speech at the conference!

June 5, 2023: Good News! CONF-FMCE 2023 workshop "Various Waste Materials in Civil Engineering Application" has been successfully convened in London, UK!

March 27, 2023: Good News! CONF-FMCE 2023 workshop "Various Waste Materials in Civil Engineering Application" will be held in London, UK on June 5, 2023!

March 15, 2023: CONF-FMCE 2023 started to invite scholars.